Stage West

Fat tire adventures and other stuff

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Well, let's hope all my blogger glitches have gone away and I can resume posting. Gotta love a long weekend. The plan was to ride as much as possible the whole weekend, but a nasty endo at Cedro Saturday morning left me kicking back and sore all day Sunday. I'm glad I don't crash very often, but seems like when I do, it's usually an endo. Bruised up hip, elbow, and a sore shoulder, but overall nothing too serious. By the end of the ride though, I could feel some tendonitis coming on in my right knee, so maybe I tweaked something there too. Trails are really in pretty darn good shape at Cedro considering all the rain this year and even my bald rear tire stuck like glue through the turns. The rest did me good on Sunday and by afternoon we were planning our Labor Day ride. It ended up being a club ride at Cochiti Mesa with Phil, Matt, Ann, and me. With my sore knee and hip, I opted to dust off my Sugar FS bike for the day. It was really fun having all those gears to climb with, and the FS made me feel like I'd been riding a barcalounger all day. Since group rides always take twice as long as they should, (why the heck is that?) I decided to take the group for a 22 mile loop from Dixon's apple orchard, to the top of the mesa, where we stopped for lunch, and to give thanks and pray. We then dropped into Canon de Negro on the other side of the mesa, and rode that until we picked up the Media Dia singletrack. Fun loop with about 4,400 feet of climbing and tons of stream crossings. The upper part of Media Dia is in really rough shape from our torrential monsoon season, but the lower half was screaming fast. We hadn't ridden with Phil for a long time and he did great. He's been mountain biking a couple years, but in his younger years, Phil was a Cat 1 road racer and was a teamate to the Bostisaurus. Phil's a powerfull guy that also holds some world records in weightlifting and when he shakes your hand it literally feels like he could crush it if he wanted. Our other friend Matt joined us, fresh off of retiring from the Air Force, and just recently back from a mountain biking adventure in the Ukraine with some fellow bombers. Ann's been riding really well and has improved tremendously this year, I'm proud to say. The shots are from an absolutely beautiful day at Cochiti. Finished off the day with a late lunch at the Range.


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