Stage West

Fat tire adventures and other stuff

Friday, June 15, 2007

Here's a couple of cycling-related shots: The statue is a tribute to Mike the Headless Chicken.
This is funny to me cause Pete Nelson told the story in a sermon he did recently.

And, if you've ever wondered what the weekend crowd at Calvary Chapel of Fruita looks like, well, wonder no longer.........Not really, but not long ago our mountain bike group tried to coordinate a visit with them during the Fruita Fat Tire festival, and you know what, they didn't even bother replying to our correspondence. You'd think a church located in a town like Fruita, would have it's doors open during the entire Fat Tire Festival reaching out to the community..............they could learn a lesson from the other churches in town who cooked up some great breakfast for everyone and demonstrated what it means to be kind and hospitable to strangers...........

Check out my friend Keith P's web site for some outstanding photography by clicking HERE!

Oh, and this weekend, get off the couch and do something fun outside!

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