Stage West

Fat tire adventures and other stuff

Monday, November 27, 2006

Long weekend and lots of riding. Did the annual BOMB Thanksgiving ride. Just a social ride, but fun to get out bright and early in the foothills, followed by strong coffee and pie at our place afterwards. Guess there were only 7 riders with Ann taking the girls and I taking the guys for a short and easy spin. One of the girls in Ann's group is brand new to riding and struggled a lot getting up Simms Park Road. We looked her bike over after the ride and the darn thing weighs 43 pounds and is a hardtail no less. I think we convinced her that a good bike is worth the cash, if you're going to ride. Our group ran into Matt and Jeni at the top of Cedar Hill as we were finishing, and they were starting their Turkey Day Century road ride. Great day to be out.

Friday was hiking day for me and the pup while Ann did a trail run with the big dog. Also took care of some bike maintenance. It was a power hike up the Pino trail and I was feeling it Saturday when I rode at Cedro. Was supposed to go to White Mesa, but I guess some of the crew got sick, so the plans were changed. Ann met up with the tri-girls and got them out for a dirt ride in the foothills for their first time this year. Guess they all did great. I was solo, but ran into a couple of middle-aged guys at the Cedro parking lot that didn't know their way around the trails, so I offered to be the guide for the day. They were decent and fit riders, both on Moots softails and I pretty much took them on the entire loop used for this year's Cedro race. Sunday got together after church with Carl, Matt L., and Mark for a medium-sized loop starting at Mars Ct. Most cars I've ever seen out there and we ran into a large group of old timers riding on Cajun Pine, then later ran into Damian and a couple of other guys on the "new trail" along the 106 ridge at David Canyon. Lots of traffic out that way for some reason, but as with all our trails, they never are really crowded. Will try to squeeze in a night ride or two this week before the frigid temperatures hit and hopefully be able to get out on the roadie for my "power lunch". Out till next time......


At 7:56 PM, December 02, 2006, Blogger ojulius said...

It was great running into you on the "trail" Thanksgiving day! Tell Ann hi!

At 8:26 AM, December 04, 2006, Blogger StageWest said...

Good to run into you and Matt too! It's nice to see friendly faces on the "trails" as there seem to be quite a few grumps out there for some reason!!

Ann says hey and I'll remind her to let you know if they do another girls ride. You may have to break out your singlespeed to even things up though. A lot of those girls are super strong on the road bike but not quite so on the MTB. I know one of the girls has beaten former Gov. Gary J. at Ironman Hawaii, so maybe another person you could train with for your upcomging double.......

At 6:25 AM, December 05, 2006, Blogger ojulius said...

I'd definitely be interested in road rides with the girls too! I need to ride with people who are better than me....only way I'll improve.

I hear you on the grumps on the trails. I've been running into a lot of them lately too. What's up with not even wanting to say "hey" to a fellow biker?!?


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