Stage West

Fat tire adventures and other stuff

Monday, April 02, 2007

Here's a shot looking across the Colorado toward the Kokopelli Trail near Fruita a few years back. Put it on your list to ride if you haven't been.

Dirt Saturday and some great pavement on Sunday plus some good weekday mileage. Hit the foothills on the SS on Saturday with Ann and Dr. Mo(nique). Blustery winds and lots of trail traffic, but a fun 2 hours on the trails.

Sunday, I tagged along on a road ride led by ironwoman Laurie A and a few folks from the NMVS team. As soon as we hit Old 66, Brad lit up a fast pace, and I knew I was in for a good ride. Some of the slower riders dropped back into their own group and I tried to hang with the faster group. Once we got to Tijeras, Todd took off and we didn't see him again until we got to Oak Flats. I rode along with Laurie and we kept a nice pace and she was kind enough not to drop me. We kept Brad and ironman Keith within a respectable distance, but couldn't close the gap without going anaerobic and there were a lot more miles to cover that day. Regrouped at the Oak Flat store and brought it back around to 66 and the burque. Once back on Tramway, Marty M, roadie teammate to Damian, and his riding companion picked up our wheels and he was extolling the virtues of the 29-inch wheeled MTB for folks like me with long femurs. Nice guy, and darn strong too. As everyone started peeling off for home along Tramway, I needed some extra time so I did a short out and back along Tramway with Laurie, then hit a few short climbs in the neighborhood to finish off the ride at 60+ miles. It was a great ride for me and I did much better on the fueling plan this week. Cut the basal insulin dose by 1/3, and the fast acting insulin by 1/2 pre-ride, and drank Perpetuem consitently throughout the ride along with gel shots. I coudln't eat any solid food because I was getting a little stomach upset, but the Hammer liquid diet kept me going great, along with endurolytes. Blood sugars were a little higher than I like upon finishing, so I may have to take a little fast acting during those rides that I'm consuming that many carbs and calories. It would be nice to get things dialed so I didn't have to take any shots during a ride, but still getting that figured out.

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At 9:39 PM, April 03, 2007, Blogger Matt said...

Yeah thats a bummer on the shots during a ride - didn't know that amigo. I wonder if someone at Hammer might have run accross this before - they have an Dr. on staff Bill Mizner I seem to recall. Try calling them up if you get time and perhaps they'll put you in contact. They are a small staff and usually pretty responsive.

FYI...I don't take gel/gu anymore unless I have to. Just usual liquid diet, and occaisional hammer bar, and enduralytes. Dunno know if that helps.

At 6:53 AM, April 05, 2007, Blogger StageWest said...

Thanks Matt,
I need to call Hammer for a consult, since I know they sponsored that team of diabetics who won the RAAM corporate division last year. I was wondering about the gels, thinking that maybe that's what caused the stomach upset, or it could have been those roadies making me work harder than normal :)!


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